Meet our Team
Dedication & commitment to our students, our team creates stars in the making.

Claudine Koo
Faculty Lead for Jazz & Tap
Paving the way for the next generation.
Since commencing dance classes at age 4, Claudine has always been passionate and committed in all her dance activities. Claudine has always loved the element of performance and the opportunities it brought to showcase her love for dance. She has continued in this path by bringing her students to win numerous awards at competitions both locally and internationally and paving the way for the next generation to excel in the ever growing arts industry.
At a young age, Claudine started in Ballet and was later introduced to Tap, Jazz and Hip Hop. She has had an outstanding journey in her academics but has also always been an active member of the dance activities she has attended in school and privately. She has shown great leadership and commitment to dance since she was in primary school where she was Captain of her Tap Dancing CCA. She moved on to be a very active member of Singapore Chinese Girls’ School’s Dance Society and the Vice-President of Dance Venia at Anglo-Chinese School (Independent). All these accolades have brought her many opportunities to compete and perform locally and overseas such as Barcelona Dance Awards, Singapore Youth Festival, CSTD Perth Theatrical Festival and CSTD Regional Competitions.
Claudine is no stranger to the dance competition scene. Through the years she has produced outstanding choreography and awards in her competition teams, solos and duos. She has always felt a draw towards leading, educating and growing beautiful dancers, not only with stunning performance but of impeccable character as well. Upon attaining a First Class Honours in her Bachelor of Arts at The University of Manchester, she officially started her career in dance education and has never looked back.
She strongly believes in producing all-rounded and versatile dancers and aims to instill her competitive spirit and love for performing arts into her dancers. Growing each student into the very best form of themselves, both artistically and individually.
Youth Arts Festival 2021 “Outstanding Teacher Award”
Shine Dance Competition Canada 2021 “Choreography Award”
International Arts Festival 2023 "Outstanding Teacher Award"
Jazz Teaching Certificate and Teaching Diploma, CSTD, Australia
Tap Teaching Certificate and Teaching Diploma, CSTD, Australia
Completed Graded Ballet Examinations, RAD, UK
First Class Honours in Management and Leisure, The University of Manchester